Elite Screens Inc. |Elite Screens Europe GmbH| Elite Screens India |Elite Screens China Ltd.
Elite Screens Taiwan Corp |Elite Screens Japan |Elite Screens Australia
4.6 SAT-Leg
(Optional added stability buttress recommended for screens with diagonal measurements of 180” & up)
Take the SAT-Leg out of the case and remove it wrappings as shown in (fig13).
Undo the snap locks to loosen and bend the joints for proper fitting as shown in (fig 14).
Attach the SAT-Legs by securing the locking bolts through the frame using the frame spacers
between the metal parts as shown in (fig 15)
fig 13
fig 14
Elite Screens Inc. |Elite Screens Europe GmbH| Elite Screens India |Elite Screens China Ltd.
Taiwan Corp |Elite Screens Japan |Elite Screens Australia
stability buttress recommended for screens with diagonal measurements of 180” & up)
Leg out of the case and remove it wrappings as shown in (fig13).
Undo the snap locks to loosen and bend the joints for proper fitting as shown in (fig 14).
Legs by securing the locking bolts through the frame using the frame spacers
between the metal parts as shown in (fig 15)
frame spacer
Elite Screens Inc. |Elite Screens Europe GmbH| Elite Screens India |Elite Screens China Ltd.
stability buttress recommended for screens with diagonal measurements of 180” & up)
Undo the snap locks to loosen and bend the joints for proper fitting as shown in (fig 14).
Legs by securing the locking bolts through the frame using the frame spacers
locking bolt
fig 15