Project #32
Voice Light Diode
OBJECTIVE: To build a
circuit that uses your voice
to control a light emitting
Build the circuit shown on the
left and turn on the slide
switch (S1). The LED (D1)
may be on for a while and
then turn off. Clap or talk
loud and the LED will light
again and keep flickering for
a little while.
OBJECTIVE: To use your voice
to control sounds.
Project #34
Motor Space Sounds
OBJECTIVE: To build a
circuit that uses a motor to
activate space war sounds.
OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit
that uses a motor to activate a
light diode.
This circuit is loud and may bother
other people around you so
replace the speaker with the LED
(D1), (position it like in Project
#32); the circuit operates in the
same manner.
Project #35
Space Light
Turn it on and wait for any
sounds to stop then spin the
motor (M1) and the sounds
play again.
Do you know why turning the
motor makes the sound
play? Actually, the DC motor
is also a DC generator and
when you turn it, the motor
generates a voltage that
triggers the sound circuits.
Project #33
Voice Control
The preceding circuit probably did
not seem too exciting; so replace
the LED (D1) with the speaker
(SP). You hear a range of exciting
sounds. Clap or talk loud and the
sounds will resume.
If you find that the sound does not
turn off, then vibrations created by
the speaker may be activating the
whistle chip (WC). Set the speaker
on the table near the circuit and
connect it to the same locations using
the jumper wires to prevent this.