Project #3
OBJECTIVE: To show how sound can turn “ON” an electronic
Build the circuit shown on the left by placing all the parts with a black 1
next to them on the base grid first. Then, assemble parts marked with
a 2. Finally, lay the speaker (SP) on the table and connect it to the
circuit using the jumper wires as shown.
When you close the slide switch (S1), the music may play for a short
time, and then stop. After the music has stopped, clap your hands
close to the whistle chip (WC) or tap the base with your finger. The
music should play again for a short time, then stop. Blow on the whistle
chip and the music should play.
You could connect the speaker using snap wires instead of the jumper
wires, but then the speaker may create enough sound vibrations to re-
activate the whistle chip.
Sound Activated Switch
Project #4
OBJECTIVE: To show how resistance can lower the sound from
the speaker.
Build the circuit shown on the left. When you close the slide switch
(S1), the music may play for a short time and then stop. After the
music has stopped, clap your hands close to the whistle chip (WC) or
tap the base with your finger. The music should play again for a short
time, then stop.
In this project, you changed the amount of current that goes through
the speaker (SP) and reduced the sound output of the speaker.
Resistors are used throughout electronics to limit the amount of
current that flows.
Adjusting Sound Level
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