4. Measuring, Storage and Data Processing in DIRECT or APPL-BATCH mode
© ElektroPhysik
MiniTest 2500 - MiniTest 4500
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To switch from APPL-BATCH mode to DIRECT mode, press and hold the APPL key while the
gauge is switched on. DIRECT mode is activated and the gauge is ready to measure.
4.4 Displaying the number of active APPL-BATCH
If the gauge is switched on and is already functioning in APPL-BATCH mode, a reading will
normally be displayed.
Press either APPL or BATCH to display the two-number memory in current use, e.g.<2 : 1>. Press
the same key again to confirm your choice. Readings can be taken as soon as APPL-BATCH
appears on the display.
4.5 Selection of an APPL memory
Press the APPL key in order to display the two-number designation of the active APPL-BATCH
memory. Use the arrow keys to select a new APPL memory.
If you hold down the key you can quickly scroll through the memory showing a running display
of numbers already occupied until a free APPL address is found. The number of this memory
will then appear on screen, e.g. < 5 : 1>. Free memories can be distinguished by a flashing
APPL number.
An APPL memory can be activated directly by connecting the sensor that served to create the
APPL memory originally. If another sensor even of the same sensor type is connected, the
“LOC“ will be displayed along with sensor type and serial number.
This also happens if the probe which has been used for APPL-memory creation has been
To delete or select APPL-memories please refer to section 9.6
The calibration valid for your selected APPLmemory is shown on display, e.g. one-point or
twopoint calibration. If the standard calibration is valid, there will be no indication on the
Either maintain the currently valid calibration or recalibrate according to one of the methods
described in section
7.1 to 7.13.
All following readings will be stored in the selected APPL-BATCH memory.
4.6 Selection of a BATCH memory
Select an APPL memory line if this has not been done
Press BATCH. The number of the previously selected number will now appear, e.g. <3 : 2>.
If, for example, APPL memory line number 3 has not yet been used, the gauge automatically
selects the first BATCH memory, e.g. <3 : 1 >. A free BATCH is indicated by flashing numbers
on the display.
If required, use the arrow keys to select a new BATCH no. Keep the key pressed down for
quickly scrolling through the memory until a free BATCH number is found. The number will
then be displayed, e.g. <3 : 8>. Press BATCH to confirm.