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Sound Fonts
Adding Sound Fonts
All Sound Fonts on your Electrum Saber are stored on the included SD card. This can be
accessed by removing the pommel. Before performing any Sound Font changes, you must
first put your saber into Deep Sleep by toggling the Deep Sleep Switch. To remove the SD
card, pull the card from the SD card slot, being careful to pull straight out so you do not
damage the slot.
To add sound fonts, connect the SD card to a computer running Windows or Mac OS, and
drag your entire sound font folder onto the card folder. Do not use special characters or
spaces in the folder name. Also, ensure that your fonts are not stored in a sub-folder inside
the main folder. Once all your folders are loaded, reinsert the card, and then toggle the Deep
Sleep Switch back on. Your fonts should now be selectable. If your font isnt appearing on the
saber, perform a Soft or Hard reset as detailed in
Sound Font folders should not contain special characters (@, #, $, etc.).
Sound Fonts with mixed Bitrates should be avoided.
Updating Your Saber Firmware
The firmware on your saber is also updated using the SD card.
Using a computer running Windows or Mac OS, download the
firmware update files on
. Be sure
to download the appropriate files for your saber setup (
In-Hilt LED
). The files will be in a ZIP folder. Open the ZIP folder
and drag the
files onto the root of your SD card.
Then, insert the SD card into your Saber and take it out of Deep
Sleep. The saber will flash the center switch LEDs to indicate
the update is in progress.
Wait until the saber fully boots
attempting to use the saber, or toggling the Deep Sleep Switch.
SD Card Access
The SD card can be accessed
from the side opposite the
Deep Sleep Switch. DO NOT
remove the Speaker cap to
access the card.