Electronics Inc. • (574) 256-5001 • www.electronics-inc.com
Ball and Post Position Measurement Check
The 9-hole template verifies the position of the balls, posts and indicator tip on the Almen gage head. The
dimensions of the nine holes are based on the gage ball size and post diameters plus the position tolerances as
shown in SAE AMS-S-13165.
9-hole template
9-hole template on the Almen Gage Jr
This is a pass/fail test. Place the template over the balls and posts. The template should lie flat on the base
surface—a ball or post should not interfere with this placement. The indicator tip should pass freely through the
center hole with no interference. If the template does not rest securely on the Almen gage head, the gage head
must be rejected. There are no adjustments or other remedies for this out-of-tolerance condition. Replace the
entire gage head. Record “Pass” or “Fail” in the column of the form. Record any notes if necessary.
Minimum Ball Height Check
The 9-hole template is certified to be a minimum of 2.00 mm (0.0787 inch) thickness. It is used to verify the ball
heights are equal to or greater than 0.078 inch in height.
This is a pass/fail test. Place a certified flat surface (such as a step block or the flat side of the check block) on the
Almen gage head and attempt to insert the 2.0 mm template between the gage head and the flat surface. If the
template cannot be inserted, the ball height is less than 2.00 mm and the gage head must be replaced. Record
“Pass” or “Fail” in the column of the form. Record any notes if necessary.
The 9-hole template verifies that the ball heights are at least 2.00 mm in height