input is not available on the Audio Panel (or an Audio Panel is not installed) you can connect the CGR
Voice Warning Out wires to the pilot headset jack. With this installation a 49.9 ohm 1/4 watt resistor will
need to be installed in series with the CGR +Voice Warning Out wire and the audio feed wire to the jack.
4.6 Connect the CGR Harness to Power and Ground:
Route the power wire (red) to the main bus via a 5-amp Circuit Breaker. Route the ground wire (black) to
the aircraft ground.
The power wire is RED and is connected to pin 1 and 2 on the CGR. If aircraft power is connected
to any pin on the CGR other than pin 1 and 2, damage to the CGR and any connected hardware may occur. Insure
power is provided on pin 1 and 2 of the CGR before attaching the connector.
4.7 Connect the CGR Harness to the CO-Guardian CO Detector:
If a CO detector was installed, connect the RS232 output from the Remote Mounted 353-201 (experimen-
tal only) or 452-201-011 (certified) CO Detector to Pin 11 (Port 3 In) on the CGR. Refer to CO-
Guardian’s installation instructions for further information on the CO Detector.
5.1 Power-On Checkout:
Turn the aircraft master switch on. The CGR will power up and perform a system test. After approxi-
mately 15 seconds the CGR will display the “Main” screen with a Warning Message. Press any button to
continue. If you have a problem with any of the following steps, see the Troubleshooting section of this
manual. Perform only the checks applicable to your configuration.
A. Check the RPM for a reading of 000.
B. Check the M.P. for the following reading:
Current BARO less 0.1"Hg for every 100 feet elevation above sea level.
C. Check Fuel Flow for a reading of 00.0.
D. Check Oil Pressure for a reading of 00.
E. Check Oil Temp to read near ambient temperature.
F. Check Volts for proper reading.
G. Check Amps for proper reading.
H. Check OAT to read ambient temperature.
I. Check all other functions on the Main and System screen to operate properly.
Note: Fuel Levels may not read properly until they have been calibrated.
5.2 Perform all Steps listed in the "CGR-30C Installation Checklist":
A CGR-30C Installation Checklist is provided on blue tag board. Each step listed in this checklist must be
completed before continuing with this installation.