2.7 Install the CO Detector, G-Sensor and/or Other Available CGR Options:
The CO Guardian Remote Mounted CO Detector, G-Sensor and other CGR options listed on EI’s price
sheet are provided with their own installation instructions. These items should be installed and wired in
accordance with the accompanying instructions. Note: The CO Detector connects to Port 4 or Port 3
Input on the CGR.
2.8 Install the Shunt (for Amps):
An external shunt is a strip of metal, usually mounted on a bakelite base. This metal is made of special
alloys to produce a very small, precise signal when current passes through it. It is not affected by tem-
Installation Method
Battery Lead:
1. Shows load current on the
ground (engine off) and during
an alternator failure.
2. All Warning Lights are
1. Cannot show load current during
flight or when the engine is running.
Alternator Lead:
1. Shows load current during
flight or when the engine is
2. All Warning Lights are
1. Cannot show load current when
the engine is off or during an
alternator failure.
perature changes. If your aircraft currently has an external shunt you can calibrate your CGR to that
shunt. The CGR can be calibrated to match any shunt on the market.
A. Determine How the Shunt will be Installed in the Aircraft’s Electrical System:
Determine How the Shunt will be Installed in the Aircraft’s Electrical System:
Determine How the Shunt will be Installed in the Aircraft’s Electrical System:
Determine How the Shunt will be Installed in the Aircraft’s Electrical System:
Determine How the Shunt will be Installed in the Aircraft’s Electrical System:
There are two common methods of installing a shunt in an aircraft. One method is with the shunt
in the alternator lead. The other method is with the shunt located in the battery lead. The S-50
shunt that comes with the CGR-30 package may be installed using either method. The advantages
and disadvantages of each method are listed below.
There are few disadvantages with either method. Although EI’s test
pilot has a slight preference for the alternator lead when using the
CGR, ease of installation should be the determining factor in this
installation. If more than one shunt is required, a second shunt can be
installed through a FM-VA-M-(50 or 300) Functional Module. The
Functional Modules come with their own installation instructions.
B. Install the External Shunt:
Install the External Shunt:
Install the External Shunt:
Install the External Shunt:
Install the External Shunt:
The external shunt should be installed in an appropriate location that minimizes the routing of
main cables (refer to figure 1 or 2 as appropriate for your installation). It should also be
mounted in a location where inadvertent damage cannot occur. If the shunt can be accessed