RMC general
RMC is a measuring method used to stop the
dryer when the garments are dry.
The current dryness/moisture of the garments
is continuously measured and the drying
sequence is brought to an end when the pre-
set level has been obtained.
The measuring signal is collected from the
steel bands by means of the collector graphies
which conduct the measuring signal to the
Process Module.
One of the collector graphies is connected to
a lifter and the other one to the drum casing.
A weak measuring current is sent through the
garments which are in touch with the lifter,
and as the resistance increases gradually
as the garments are getting more and more
dry the measuring signal is ready for onward
processing by the Control PCB.
Replacing collector graphies
1. Demount top plate.
2. Replace collector graphies fig. 2.