If the appliance has been disconnected from the water and
electricity supplies for a period of time (several days), there
may be a build-up of micro-organisms on the membrane
and the water might develop a certain odour. If this is the
case, it is appropriate to perform disinfection and replace
the filter.
The disinfectant, which contains the active ingredient
sodium hypochlorite, can be bought from supermarkets or
from the chemist. The disinfectant must be odourless.
Unplug the appliance.
Set up the RO 400 so that the purified water from the
appliance can be flushed into the reject water outlet for
the first 10 minutes of the operating cycle, for example
by undoing the purified water hose from another
appliance or item of ancillary equipment and feeding it
into the reject water outlet via an airlock. Connect a
manual valve onto the purified water hose to control the
RO 400.
Water will be produced which contains the
disinfectant. This water must not be fed into any
other appliance or item of ancillary equipment.
Plug the RO 400 back in at the mains so that it can run
an automatic flushing procedure. Stop the RO 400 by
shutting off the purified water supply using the manual
valve on the purified water hose.
Undo filter container
as described in “Replacing the
filters”, steps 2-5, and remove filter
. (Filter
be discarded.)
Fill the container three-quarters full of lukewarm water,
add 25 ml of the disinfectant at a concentration of 3.5%
and stir. (If the concentration is not 3.5%, adjust the
amount of the disinfectant according to the
concentration, see fig.
6 Screw the container (containing the solution) back onto
the appliance.
7 Open the manual valve to start the RO 400 and leave it
to produce purified water for 45 seconds.
8 Unplug the appliance after 45 seconds, without first
shutting off the valve.
9 Leave the water purifier stationary and allow the agent
to work for 30 minutes. During this time, install a new
in the filter holder
and a new filter
the filter holder
, as described in steps 2-7 of
“Replacing the filters”. See fig.
10 Turn off the tap, plug the appliance in and leave it to
flush out automatically. Perform a complete flushing
procedure as described in “Flushing”.