-Give enough time to the meals to get hot. There are some parts which need
more time.
-The meals should not be served directly from the microwave oven. When
you leave them covered for some minutes, the heat can better balance
-Thick slides of meat, for example, are mostly hotter outside than inside.
-Round cylindrical parts of food with a diameter of 20 to 50 mm, however,
-If possible, defrost frozen and unpacked meat in a glass or porcelain
container. At best on a drain plate, so that a liquid that arises during the
defrosting can flow off.
-Instant meals in aluminium plates or plastic containers
with metal-coated cover foils (of course, prick it!) can
be heated in the microwave oven as far as the
producer explicitly indicates it on the packing.
-The picture on the left demands give it into a dish.
Therefore unpack it!
-Information of food producers, however, are not always
an excuse.
For the end, some well-aimed advises for the consumer
tend to become hotter inside than outside.
-Basically, packing material and especially metal foils should be removed
before the cooking.
-However, if the shielding effect is intended, you have to stick to a
distance of 2 cm to the oven wall, that no sparks will jump over.
-As these meals get cooked very fast, a lot of steam will arise. When the
meals are covered (only loose!), nothing will fall down in the oven.
-The heat within covered meals is spreading better.
-Covered meals do not dry up so fast.
-When an over-baking is intended, the food should not be
-When using the grilling function, of course nothing should be
covered as well!
-Liquid meals should be stirred from time to time.
-Add some water to harder vegetables (e.g. carrots).
-It is not necessary to add liquid to softer vegetables (e.g.
-It is advantageous to turn defrosting food, if possible, after the half
defrosting time.
-If possible, do not defrost the food completely with microwave energy. Thus you can avoid
irregularities (dry rims).
-Basically, do not defrost in the packing material. It makes no
difference whether board, paper or plastics not in metal
-Fruits and vegetables should also not be defrosted completely in
the microwave oven, if it is not further used immediately. Some
room temperature at the end of defrosting is good for the taste.
-If required, fruits and vegetables can however be cooked ready
directly from the frozen condition. Naturally, capacity and time
have to be adjusted.
created by TSE-N, Reiner Kurzke
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