DOC. NO. 5956.65J.00
P. 168 / 174
EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform
Electrolux Professional
The time taken for hood lifting was
more than the time fixed by parameter
a) check that the motor works.
IThe time taken for lifting was mo
han the time fixed by parameter
Check correct operation of the:
a) motor (thermal protection N7);
b) top limit switch (S5 and S5’).
The hood is open but the bottom limit switch
(FC_DW) has cut in.
Appears with hood fully open, if:
- the limit switch (S5) returns to the rest posi-
- the bottom limit switch (S3) cuts in;
- S3’’ cuts in
Appears if with hood fully open the "door closed"
microswitch cuts in.
Appears if with hood fully open the "door
closed" microswitch cuts in.
- S5 could be disconnected.
During lowering, the top limit switch (FC_UP) has
not returned to the rest position.
The limit switch must return to the rest position
within a time given by parameter
a) check that the motor works;
b) (Polarity/motor rotation direction inverted?!)..
During the initial lowering phase the top limit
switch (S5) must return to the rest position
within a time given by the parameter
erwise the alarm
- S5 could be stuck.
- S3’ could be disconnected.
On installation, this alarm can occur due to
incorrect sequence of the phases: invert the two
phases on the power supply terminal board.
Appears if the bottom limit switch S3 cuts in
before S3" during lowering.
Appears if the top limit switch (FC_UP) cuts in dur-
ing lowering.
(Polarity/motor rotation direction inverted?!).
Appears if the top limit switch (S5) cuts in dur-
ing lowering.
On installation, this alarm can occur due to
incorrect sequence of the phases: invert the two
phases on the power supply terminal board.
The time taken for hood closing was
more than the time fixed by parameter
a) check that the motor works.
The time taken for lowering was
more than the time fixed by parameter
- S3’ could be disconnected.
Appears during hood lowering if, after S3’’ cuts
in, the bottom limit switch S3 does not cut in
within the time fixed by parameter