User manual
Payment and booking systems
There are different ways to communicate with payment and booking systems.
Some payment/booking systems use serial communication protocols, other systems use digital outputs/inputs.
For systems that use digital signals, the following applies:
• A payment system (coin selector or card reader) that is mounted inside the washer extractor should be connected
to the internal coin input as described in the instruction that follows with the payment system.
• An external payment system should be connected to the I/O unit placed in the rear electrical cabinet (see the in-
stallation manual). The external system can either be connected to the coin input or to the enable start input.
In case a payment system is connected to a coin input, set the value for each coin pulse and the price to start for
each program in the sub-menu “Price programming”.
If a payment or booking system is connected to the external enable start input no coin value or prices should be set.
Select if the “External enable start” (Block start function) is used for Booking or Payment.
It is possible to set additional prices on chemicals in the Pump menu.