IMTP(D) 2.2 – ITTP(D) 2.2/4.0/5.5/7.5 - ELECTROIL
5.6.11 Remote 0-10V input for the pressure reference value connection (only ITTP(D) 4.0-5.5-7.5):
In the absolute pressure control mode, single or group mode (on the master), selecting on the Advanced Function
menu > Control Type > Pressure reference Input: 0-10V Input, connect between J8-6 (+10V signal) and J8-7 (0V)
and contemporary connect a wire between J8-7 and J8-8 on the logic board (fig. 15).
5.6.12 Remote 4-20 mA for the pressure reference value connection (only ITTP(D) 4.0-5.5-7.5):
In the absolute pressure control mode, single or group mode (on the master), selecting on the Advanced Function
menu > Control Type > Pressure reference Input: 4-20mA Input, connect between J8-1 (4-20mA signal) and J6-1
(+15V) of the logic board (fig. 15).
When finished all connections, replace and close the box cover using the previously removed screws.
Before the possible re-opening of the inverter box, switch-off the voltage supply and wait, at least,
two minutes to be sure that the capacitors are completely discharged (danger: contact with electric
high voltage parts).