IMTP(D) 2.2 – ITTP(D) 2.2/4.0/5.5/7.5 - ELECTROIL
5.6.4 Connections for float switch or probe level:
Connect the float switches or probe level Normally Closed contact between terminals EN and GND (or +5V) on the
logic board, replacing the wire connected by the constructor:
J9-5,8 for IMTP(D)2.2-ITTP(D)2.2 (fig. 12);
J11-1,2 for ITTP(D)4.0/5.5/7.5 (fig. 15).
5.6.5 Master Slave Group communication with RS485:
For the group communication with RS485 (2 wires bus) between 2 or more inverters of the same type, connect the
two wires into the terminals signed with A and B:
J10-1,2 of the logic board for IMTP(D)2.2M-ITTP(D)2.2M;
J2-1,2 for ITTP(D)4.0/5.5/7.5.
5.6.6 Connections for Motor ON output:
For IMTP(D)2.2M-ITTP(D)2.2M model: Relay output contact capacity 250V, 2 Ampere max closed when the
motor is running, between the M.ON terminals (pole 1 of J11, fig. 12) and COM (pole 3 of J11, fig. 12);
For ITTP4.0 /../ 7.5 models: there is a 12Vdc-100mA max output on the poles marked with M (J10-3) and 0V
(J10-8) of the logic board in fig. 15, to which it is possible to connect the 12Vdc coil of a relay.
5.6.7 Alarm output connections:
For IMTP(D) 2.2M-ITTP(D) 2.2M model: Relay output contact capacity 250V, 2 Ampere max. closed when the
inverter is in an alarm condition, between the terminals marked ALARM (pole 2 of J11, fig.12) and COM (pole
3 of J11, fig.12).
For ITTP4.0 /../ 7.5 models: there is a 12Vdc-100mA max output on the poles marked with M (J10-4) and 0V
(J10-8) of the logic board in fig. 15, to which it is possible to connect the 12Vdc coil of a relay.
5.6.8 Control of an auxiliary ON/OFF pump;
For IMTP2.2 and ITTP2.2: there is a relay output contact (J11-3,4, AUX-COM, fig.12) that close, with a 3
seconds delay, when the pressure is less than the reference value and the motor velocity arrive to the
maximum, then re-open when the pressure is higher than the reference value and the flow arrive to the
minimum stop value; this relay contact is 2 Ampere - 250Vac maximum, useful to drive a contactor for an
auxiliary ON-OFF pump, and work only when the control mode is in Pressure (single pump absolute
pressure control); Warning: connect only contactors or relay coils with maximum voltage of 250Vac – do
not exceedes;
For ITTP4.0/../7.5: the output is 12VDC-100mA on the poles marked with
AUX and 0V (J10-6,8) on the
logic board (fig. 15)
which can be connected to 12Vdc coil of a relay, to control a second ON / OFF pump,
with the same logic insertion mode described above for the IMTP2.2-ITTP2.2 inverters; This output is active
only when the control mode is in Pressure (single pump, absolute pressure control);
5.6.9 Terminal connection for the pressure Set Point selection (only for ITTP(D) 4.0-5.5-7.5):
In the absolute pressure control mode, single or group mode (on the master), setting digital input D3 and D4 (J11-
5,6, fig.15) it’s possible to select a maximum of N°4 pressure reference set points, with the default values
described on the table below (adjustable pressure values):
4.00 Bar
Standard configuration, contacts D3 and D4 opened
3.00 Bar
Contact D4 (J11-6) closed on +5V (J11-1)
2.00 Bar
Contact D3 (J11-5) closed on +5V (J11-1)
1.50 Bar
Contact D3 and D4 contemporary closed on +5V (J11-1)
Table 7: Digital input for the selection of the reference pressure
5.6.10 Remote START/STOP input connection (only ITTP(D) 4.0-5.5-7.5):
Into the Advanced Function menu select Control Type > Start/Stop Input > Remote, then will be possible to start
and stop the Motor closing contacts D1 (J11-3) with +5V (J11-1) on the logic board (fig. 15).