Automatic mode
In the automatic mode the angular position corresponds to the input analogue signal provided
by a setpoint device. Factory setting allows full range of operation (0-90°) but, as above
described, MIN and MAX position can be set within this range in manual mode.
An output analogue signal proportional to angular position is also provided.
Both input and output signals can be chosen between 0-10V, 0(4)-20mA setting the proper DIP
switch configuration (see "DIP Chart").
Behaviour without input signal (4-20mA)
In the event of cable break or any other situation that a missing of input signal can happen,
servomotor has to move in a defined mode. It's possible to set three different behaviour modes
by the DIP switch: open position, closed position and stop (see "DIP Chart").
2-point control
The servomotor can work as 2-point device by means of an external relay, setting the proper
DIP switch configuration (see "DIP Chart"). Main power supply must be also provided.
If an input signal V is applied to relay terminals, the actuator opens. If no input signal is applied
to relay terminals, the actuator closes.
Hysteresis and Filtration
The input analogue signal is processed internally with a resolution of 12 bit (corresponding to
0.025%). This allows, with a 4-20mA input signal for example, to detect a change of 0.005 mA
If the input signal fluctuations are too greatly (e.g. due to noise), use of high resolution causes
constant corrections of the position. In this case the hysteresis may be increased up to 0.5 mA
(resolution is reduced down to 2.5%).
The analogue input is sampled every 1 ms (sampling rate) and a mean value is generated over
0.1 s. This filtering can be prolonged by the terminal T1 up to 1 s, but this also prolongs the
response time to a change at the analogue input.
Running time setting
Factory setting for running time is 30 s. However, it can be modified in the same unit by means
of terminal T1, changing the parameter
as follows:
Time to run 0-90°
7 s
15 s
30 s (default)
60 s
Moreover the parameter
must be set as follows:
Running time according to
parameter (default)
Running time may be adjust freely (manual mode)
Remote Control Unit