Copyright © 2006 Electro-Matic Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version 4.0 • 4U2SEE
Enchanced Version Advanced Display Protocol (ADP)
<0x02>Ap<0x1B>0b<0x0A>1<0x1C>1 This is where you type first page message <0x04>
This Simple TEXT example above writes a message to File “p” on the default Drive in the default
Folder with the mode command displaying the stationary message in the center (horizontal) of the
display in red text.
<0x02>AQ<0x1B>0w<0x0E>10<0x1C>1 This is where your message <0x04>
This Simple TEXT example above writes a message to File “Q” on the default Drive in the default
Folder with the mode command displaying the in-coming message as rain in fill on the display in red
text. When the entire message appears it will stay for ten (10) seconds.
<0x02>A<0x0F>ETAU<0x1B>0a<0x19><0x1C>1 This is where you type message <0x04>
This Expanded TEXT example above writes a message to File “AU” on the “E” Drive in the “T” Folder
with the mode command displaying the rotating message in red text at the fastest speed reading This
is where you type message.
<0x02>Gb This is where you type first page message <0x04>
This Simple STRING example above writes a message to File “b” on the default Drive in the default
<0x02>G<0x0F>DSab This is where you type first page message <0x04>
This Expanded STRING example above writes a message to File “ab” on the “D” Drive in the “S”
<0x02>AA<0x10>b This is where you type message <0x04>
This Simple TEXT example above writes a message to File “A” on the default Drive in the default
Folder and calls STRING file “b”.
1) No carriage return spaces need to be between the selection attribute and the beginning
of your message or between the end of your message and the “End of Transmission” (“H” in Table
2 ). Also format characters are explained in Table 2 and throughout this manual.
2) The character color and the background color must not be the same, otherwise your message will
be altered and certain variables can not be accessed on certain 4U2SEE displays
3) The digits (made bold) representing the sign address (item C in tables 2 or 7) in the above
examples, illustrate the versatility of this addressing structure. In order to deviate from the
broadcast (global) address (00), your display board must have it’s Group & Unit Number (GGUU)
the same as your commands sent by your “Host” computer. To accomplish this use Sigma 3000
software (previously mentioned Electro-Matic input device). For more information, please refer to
Electro-Matic’s Sigma 3000 manual, posted on the portal.
4) The ASCII character “Z” (item B in tables 2 or 7) can be replaced with any other valid ASCII
5) The example for “Middle” has a carriage return (space) between the Mode (“<0x1B>”) command
and the rotate command (“a”). Specifying “a” will automatically create a No Wrap situation.
6) If a Mode (“<0x1B>”) is not specified then display feature will resort to default settings.
7) FlexSender (Electro-Matic input device) does not acknowledge the ASCII coding for “Top”, you
must utilize hexadecimal code of <0x22> when using this format.
Example: <0x01>Z00<0x02>AA<0x1B><0x22>aThis is where you type message<0x04>
8) If an Expanded STRING Write command (“G”) is used then the STRING Folder must be a (“S”).
9) If a Simple STRING Write command (“G”) is used then the STRING Folder must be a default (“T”).
10) If an Expanded or Simple TEXT Write command (“A”) is used then the TEXT Folder must be a
default (“T”).
11) Expanded TEXT files are not applicable to 4U2SEE firmware versions prior to version 8E04.