vegetable to achieve a more even blanching. Dip the vegetables in cold or iced water for 3-5 minutes.
Start dehydrating immediately after blanching.
Load blanched vegetables onto drying trays, making sure that air can move freely between the pieces. For
vegetables, such as corn or peas, that tend to clump together, stir occasionally to allow air to reach all of
the pieces.
Vegetables are dried until they are crisp, tough or brittle. Package immediately after drying to prevent
absorption of moisture from the air. Usual drying temperature for vegetables is 55
- 70
Hints and Suggestions
Mix dried grated carrots, parsnips, onion, celery, chives, sweet peppers with turmeric powder, sea salt to
delicious vegan stock. Makes delicious base for soups. You can create your own soup mixture and store it for later
CARROTS to save time grating, dry carrots and parsnips for salads, carrot cake or coleslaw.
GREEN PEPPER, ONION, CELERY, CHIVES, ETC. chop and dry in a one-day effort for use instantly all year!
GREEN BEANS, WAX BEANS & GREEN PEAS best when used in soups, stews or casseroles.
ONION POWDER dry the whole vegetable slice until crisp, then either powder or chop in blender for chopped onions.
TOMATO SLICES use for colour and crunch when crumbled over a tossed salad. They rehydrate well in soups, stews and
casseroles. Tomato leathers can be powdered and used as instant soup, sauces and paste.
Add different amounts of water to your powder mixture to make:
Tomato paste = 1 tsp. powder, 1 tsp. water
Tomato sauce = 1 tsp. powder, 3 tsp. water
Tomato soup = 1 tsp. powder, 1 tsp water, 2 tsp. cream
Tomato juice = 1 tsp. powder, 1/2 c. water
Adjust amount of water to taste for soup and juice.