Here are some tips to help you enjoy your new ride.
Check, check. 1-2, 1-2.
Before you get on your bike, give it the once over and make sure your tires are
properly inflated and the front wheel is secure. Nothing ruins an awesome wheelie like
losing a wheel. If you’re not sure how the wheel attaches, the details are inside.
We like that brain of yours, protect it.
We know, helmet hair, right? But you know what looks lamer? Concussion hair.
Besides, we’ve got a sweet line of helmets to match your bike.
Avoid things that can get stuck in your front wheel.
A shopping bag in your hand, a purse, rogue sticks. If something gets jammed in there
and the front wheel stops suddenly, you’re going to have a bad time.
Use bike lights on every ride, day and night.
Use them all the time. It’s just like driving these days. People smarter than us have
done studies showing lights are the single best way to stand out to motorists, even
when the sun is shining.
Something sounds or feels weird? Get it checked out.
Just like planes, bikes are easier to fix before you take off. Electra retailers are there
to help.
Like a fender after rain, we’ve got your back.
If you ever have a problem your local Electra shop can’t solve, reach out to:
[email protected] or write Electra President Kevin Cox directly at
[email protected].
Read the rest of this manual.
Sounds like homework, but it’s worth it. 25 years on the streets have taught us a lot
of stuff worth sharing.