Compact67-Slim EtherCAT I/O Block – Slim M8
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4. Configuration Commissioning
4.1 Installation of configuration files
Configuration of Compact67_Slim distributed I/O device via ESI file (XML
format) and the standard EtherCAT IO ESI file for the Compact67_Slim will be
integrated into user
’s system. You can visit the ELCO website to get the latest
GSD file or call the hotline to contact technical personnel.
How to integrate the ESI file into the system depends on the user
configuration software:
Beckhoff system
Take Beckhoff TwinCAT programming software used in EtherCAT system
as an example, add ESI files according to the following steps
Install TwinCAT, then copy the XML file of Compact67_Slim to the following
installation directory
for example:
Omron system
Take Omron Sysmac Studio software used in EtherCAT system as an
example, add ESI files according to the following steps:
Install TwinCAT, then copy the XML file of Compact67_Slim to the following
installation directory
for example:
C:\OMRON\Sysmac Studio\IODeviceProfiles\EsiFiles\UserEsiFiles