Pixie Attaché
– an EDP WASP clone
ELBY Designs
– Laurie Biddulph
Kariong, NSW 2250, Australia
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SECTION VI - The Low Frequency Oscillator
The low frequency oscillator (LFO) does
not produce any sound as such but is
used to control the two oscillators already
mentioned, and the filters.
The control knobs concerned are:-
RATE (27)
SHAPE (26)
The LFO can produce six different wave shapes selected by the [SHAPE] rotary switch (26). Reading
clockwise these are: triangle, falling sawtooth (slope), rising sawtooth (ramp), square wave, noise and
(1) set the controls as in Figure 1.
(2) set the [DCO MODULATION] (28) to the mid position.
(3) hold any note. The pitch of DCO1 will smoothly rise and fall as represented by the
shape of the triangle wave.
while still holding a note try the effects of the other modulation shapes. The speed of
modulation is increased by advancing the [RATE] control (27) while the amount of
modulation is determined by the [DCO MODULATION] control (28).
The LFO operates on both oscillators at the same time.