Digital inputs
Figure 3: Digital inputs
Digital inputs allow the user to know specific events regarding the system or the equipment to which the device is connected,
such as a possible boiler block or current drop, as well as a valve opening, etc.
SMSB242/SMSB482 has eight alarm inputs (four for SMSB242), each of which allows sending to specific users an SMS when
the contact is either opened or closed. The text is customizable for each event; the event can also be delayed in order to avoid
false alarms (anti-bounce) and text messages can be sent sequentially.
Contact type:
The following contact types can be set up:
• Dry contact (potential-free dry contact) - in order to trigger an alarm when a potential-free contact is closed.
• Wet contact - in order to trigger an alarm when a voltage between 3V and 24V is connected..
If circuit is closed (with grounding) triggers the alarm.
Sequenzial alarm:
The sequential mode is useful for plant supervisors that have several operators who can work in case of failure.
It allows sending sequentially the digital input alarming messages observing the order found on the list of users with a time in-
terval (default 5 minutes) that can be configured on the system clock screen. The message will however be different compared
to the customized standard, since the user must accept and lock the sequence by sending the command "QUIT" to the device
before working. At this point the SMSB242/SMSB482 will send an SMS message exclusively to those users that were previous-
ly noticed, indicating the user that has accepted and therefore blocked the sequence. If no user blocks the sequence, the
SMSB242/SMSB482 will repeat the entire operation.
In case there is another alarm following the device will automatically block the sequence and will send a message (custom) ex-
clusively to those users that had been previously notified.
This feature switches a relay output when an event occurs on an associated digital input. The device has four relay outputs,
which can be connected to the digital inputs 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Note: A switching process takes place only after a change of an input status at the related digital input..