Manual – Cell Ageing Oven EB 36
2.2.6 Set the air flow rate
According to standards the air has to be changed during
the test. AS/NZS 1660.2.3 requires an air flow of 0,25
± 0,025 m
The cells in the oven have a volume of 2,4 l/cell.
This gives the following flow of air through the flow meters:
air flow rate
/h l/min
0,225 3,7
0,25 4,2
0,275 4,6
Read the flow of the flowmeters at the center of the floats.
The floats shall rotate slowly to show the correct reading.
If the floats does not rotate properly check if the oven
is placed horizontally.
2.3 Start the test
When the test temperature is reached, take up the test piece
holders and place your samples on the pins, then return the
sample holders in the cells. Be careful when placing the lid
of the test piece holder, to achieve a good contact with the
aluminium block of the oven.