ITS Partner O.B.S S.L. Av. Cerdanyola 79-81 Local C
08172 Sant Cugat of the Vallés Barcelona (Spain)
Packet/Fragmentation threshold: This is the maximum value that packets reached before being
fragmented. The maximum value is 2346 (no fragmentation) and it is advisable to reduce it a
little only if you experience media access problems or collisions.
RTS Threshold: This is the packet size threshold above which the RTS/CTS mechanism is
activated. RTS (Request to Send)/CTS (Ready to Send) is a mechanism to reduce collision
between stations, but using RTS/CTS will add more overhead to the network; so, by default, the
AP uses only RTS/CTS when transmitting a packet of 2347 bytes or higher.
Thanks to this mechanism, we can minimize the number of collisions between hidden stations
(end equipment that communicates only with the Wi-Fi AP and does not communicate with
other end equipment connected to the AP, since they are not within reach).
Output Power: Allows you to configure the power with which the equipment emits.
Preferred 5G: In case of configuring the same SSID for the two networks, if the device has good
signal it will connect to the 5G SSID whenever it can preferentially.
Dynamic frequency selection (DFS): The DFS function is suitable for those environments with
nearby radars (e.g. ports or airports) in which strong interference is generated. This function,
when detecting an anomaly, analyzes the rest of the radio channels in 5GHz and, after a scan
time, identifies and migrates the communications to a new channel. Except in cases of proven
need, it is generally recommended to deactivate them
Terminal Fast Roam: Allows computers to change APs quickly and without having to
reconfigure. The APs communicate with each other and decide based on certain values (e.g.
quality of connection/number of computers connected to each point), to which point the end
devices will be connected.