Step 6. Sensor settings
Settings > Sensors > OK button
This menu item summarizes all the setting parameters for the sensors.
Number of sensors
This is automatically assigned based on the number of initialized sensors. For
this reason, the figure should not be changed.
Highest sensor no.:
This states the total number of sensors initialized in the controller. This figure
cannot be overwritten.
* Moisture in:
Pressing the OK button allows you to choose between 3 readout units:
rel %
: Data readout is in relative moisture percentages (factory setting).
: Sensor cool-down time in seconds
: Suction pressure (see also chapter 4)
Note: The stored measurements, for example in rel%, can be read at any time
for the same measurement period in hPa and vice versa.
* Sensor No.:
Press the OK button to enter up a supplementary designation for the sensor
after the sensor no.
* Suction pressure:
If you have selected hPa under "Moisture in", then push the OK key and select
one of the soil types, which matches best with your soil (see also chapter 4).
Alternatively, if your specific soil has been calibrated by PlantCare, the
corresponding parameters for converting the measurement data into hPa can be
entered here.
Indicates to which repeater number the sensor is assigned.
Proceed as follows if you wish to deactivate a previously initialized sensor:
Deactivate > OK button
. Use the
cursor keys to move to the next or
previous sensor and to deactivate another sensor.
If you want to initialize again a deactivated sensor, proceed with steps 1 to 8 as
described under "Initializing the sensors.
* O N L Y T H E S E A D J U S T M E N T S M A Y B E M A D E !
Step 7. Commissioning the GPRS Modem
Settings > GSM/GPRS > OK button
Disregard this step, if you have not purchased any of the optional functions such as remote data
retrieval or SMS-Alarm function.
Working principles
The GPRS modem is used for the optional functions such as remote data retrieval and SMS-Alarm
function. When transmission is set to automatic, the data is sent to the e-mail address entered in the
corresponding menu field. In addition, the data required can be sent to any e-mail address by sending an
SMS to the GPRS Modem.
Please note that for proper function of the modem minimum receiving power of 50% should be available.
Check the current GSM receiving power on your PlantControl under the menu "Status> Controller".
A GPRS-enabled SIM-Card is required for your GPRS Modem to be able to transmit data. We
recommend purchasing a SIM-Card from a local supplier with excellent network coverage. A GPRS-
enabled, prepaid SIM-Card can also be used.
Unlocking the SIM-Card
Insert the SIM-Card in a mobile phone and follow the instructions in your mobile phone operating
instructions. The SIM-Card is correctly unlocked when no PIN code entry is requested after switching off
and switching on your mobile phone.