Making a V.24 Connection
Making a V.24 Connection
(C series Eiconcards only)
The V.24 port can be used to connect the Eiconcard as a DTE to
devices that support a V.24 interface, directly to a host computer, or
back-to-back with a V.24 port on another Eiconcard.
Consult the documentation which came with your networking software
for more information about port configuration.
V.24 cables
The following table lists the most common connections supported by
the V.24 port, and specifies the part number of the required
Eicon Networks cable. For information on making your own cables, see
“V.24 port specifications” on page 30.
Cables Required
Part #
Eiconcard to V.24 DCE
V.24 DCE Cable
Eiconcard to V.24 DTE
V.24 Null Modem Cable, or
V.24 Null Modem Cable (gender-changed)