EN‐8
MA510a
Instruction’s
Manual
In
the
electrosurgical
interventations
the
traditional
use
of
blade
surgical
is
substituted
by
electrosurgical
needle
that
allows
making
in
a
fast,
simple
and
effective
way
the
cut
and
coagulation
of.
The
electrosurgical
needle
is
made
on
the
principle
of
electrical
energy
conversion
in
heat
and
it’s
constituted
by:
a
sinusoidal
oscillator
in
radiofrequency;
a
generator
of
wave
packets,
with
repetition
frequency
of
packets
equal
to
–
kHz;
a
mixer
for
the
transfer,
to
the
power
amplification
block,
of
the
only
wave
form
adapt
to
the
cut,
or
the
only
wave
form
for
the
coagulum,
or
a
signal
obtained
by
an
opportune
mixing
of
the
two;
a
power
amplification
block
able
to
supply
the
necessary
power
in
terms
of
current
and
to
transmit
to
the
electrodes,
by
transformer,
the
amplified
signal;
a
security
circuit
for
the
return
electrode,
to
take
possible
cable
interruptions
and
disarm
the
radiofrequency
supply;
by
an
active
electrode
opportunely
shaped
(handle);
by
a
return
electrode
(neutral)
that
close
the
circuit
by
the
patient.
The
current
that
crosses
the
biological
tissue
can
cause:
1.
Joule
Effect
2.
Faradic
Effect
3.
Electrolytic
Effect
1)
Joule
Effect
In
the
biological
tissue,
crossed
by
electrical
current,
it’s
produced
a
heating
(thermical
effect),
dependent
by
the
electrical
resistance
of
the
tissue,
by
the
current
density,
by
the
application
time
and
that
can
determine
many
cellular
transformations.
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