2.3 SLD - AC Coupled PV System with Back-up Power Operation
The single line diagram shown below is a representation of a typical installation configured for utility interactive and back-
up power operation, with AC coupled PV connected to a backup panel. This drawing is a guideline only and is not a
substitute for a code compliant installation. All components required for a code compliant installation are the responsibility
of the licensed installer, including any additional circuit protection requirements not shown here.
1 - The backup power bus must be electrically isolated from the main electrical bus. Do not tap
the neutral wires of the main and backup buses. Refer to the installation manual for wiring details.
Load circuits are shown for demonstration. Maximum number of circuits determined by sub-panel
rating. Loads connected to circuits must not exceed nominal power ratings (continuous/surge) of
the inverter.
2 – The battery system must be earth bonded to the building ground to meet lightning protection
3 – The battery system load and grid ports are independently controlled circuits. Should the
electrical code require additional “line-of-sight” or dedicated disconnects, a separate disconnect
must be used for each of the grid and load ports. The disconnects and/or circuit breakers must
operate independently of each other, and rated for the branch circuit.
4 - CTs are equipped with 8 ft pigtails. Twisted pair extensions can be run up to 30 ft. CT
extensions should not be required if Evolve Hub is within 4 ft of Evolve system.
5 – Ethernet connection between router and EMC is optional. EMC can communicate using Wi-fi
or cellular.
6 – PV cannot exceed 5kW AC output in backup mode. PV systems larger than 5kW AC must
have a self-curtailment mechanism (software or hardware) to ensure limit is within the 5kW AC
rating. If curtailment means are not available, the balance of PV (if applicable) must be routed
directly to the main panel.
7. For electrical services rated less than 200A, the ESS system must be line side tapped as
shown in figure 11.
Manufacturer supplied components represented here are limited to the PCS/Battery, Evolve Hub, and CTs for PV, battery, and mains. All
other materials and components represented are customer supplied. CEC/NEC electrical code compliance is the responsibility of the
designer and/or electrical permit holder.
Figure 10: Sample single line diagram of an AC coupled solar plus storage installation (Evolve LFP shown).
Figure 11: Main panel line side tap to
Evolve Hub.
Содержание Evolve Hub A