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7755 arjons drive, san diego, Ca 92126
©2009 efi Corp. / J31670
p. 6
SquaT PoSITIon
Raise the incline up to level 6-8, detach the pulley from the glideboard and coach the participant into a squat
position. Straddle the glideboard, push it up the rails, sit at the bottom and put feet on the squat stand, lie back
ensuring that fingers can hold the bottom of the glideboard. Try bilateral and unilateral squats while cueing to main-
tain the spinal position (neutral) throughout the exercise. If appropriate, try a few plyometric squats and plyometric
skiing and plyometric split squats. The benefit is working in a partial weight-bearing environment to reduce the
compression on the joints.
unilateral squat
plyometric squat