* Factory default setting
4.3. Power On Adjustments
• Power ON the TX3000 board (insert PWR connector at socket X1).
• Check the red Temp-Limit LED is ON: Operation OK.
• If the LED is going OFF and ON:
reduce the emitted power with the amplitude potentiometer R76.
exchange TX3000 board.
check antenna, matching board for short circuit and so on.
• As an option, check the emitted signal at both of the corresponding test points located to
the left and right of the antenna connector (P4/GND and P5/GND; see TX Layout5). The
signal shapes may be varying. A signal breakdown or variation of more than 20% of
average the value indicates a faulty transmitter or antenna.
The signal on P4 and P5 is usually not identical.
• Proceed with the RX3000cording to the instructions in the RX3000 Tuning Guide.
Hints: If the HF power received at the RX3000 is too high:
insert the "Narrow" jumper on the RX3000 board.
reduce the TX3000 power.