Efficient Networks
Router family
Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 6: Remote Commands
Efficient Networks
Page 6-45
remote setcompression
Enables or disables negotiation of the Stac LZS compression of the payload (RFC
1974). The CCP (Compression Control Protocol, RFC 1962) negotiates and handles
any compression between the local router and the remote router.
The default setting is off because LZS compression has a negative effect with high bit
rates (greater than 768 Kb/s).
To see the current setting for payload compression, enter remote list and check the
Compression Negotiation line. If desired, you can follow the negotiation of the Stac
LZS compression within CCP using the debug command mlp debug ccp.
Mgmt Class
Network (R/W)
Input Format
remote setCompression on | off <remotename>
Command prompt.
remote setencryption
RFC 1969 encryption. Specifies a PPP DES (Data Encryption Standard) 56-bit key
with fixed transmit and receive keys.
Mgmt Class
Security (R/W)
Input Format
remote setEncryption DESE RX|TX <key> <remotename>
Enables compression negotiation between the local and the re-
mote router if both routers are set to perform compression and if
they both share a common compression protocol.
Disables compression negotiation. The default is off.
ASCII string
Name of the remote router.