MH Series
Page 44 of 51
11 Software
Installations and service conditions of the UPS can be detected and handled
by an adequate software package. The software packages are available over
the producer / supplier or over the mentioned service-hotline (chapter
„Service“). There you get necessary information about adequate software
packages with regard to your application and UPS. Also see our website:
The following basic functions are supported by all software packages:
Capture and display of the mains condition of the UPS;
Display of the UPS output condition;
Capture and display of the loading condition of the battery pack;
Closing of opened applications in case of power failures;
Shut down of the operating system;
Issue of protocol data;
General control of the UPS-data and conditions
More information about the several software packages like installation,
handling and performance you get from the software instruction.
In chapte
r „Accessories“ you can find an adequate and tested software