WARNING: Never repair damaged
cutting attachments by welding,
straightening or modifying the
shape. This may cause parts of the
cutting tool to come off and result
in serious or fatal injuries.
Sharpening grass cutters and grass blades
• See the cutting attachment packaging for
correct sharpening instructions. Sharpen
blades and cutters using a single-cut fl at
fi le.
• Sharpen all edges equally to maintain the
balance of the blade. (Fig. 11-17)
WARNING: Always discard a blade
that is bent, twisted, cracked,
broken or damaged in any other
way. Never attempt to straighten
a twisted blade so that it can be
reused. Only use original blades
of the specifi ed type.
Trimmer head
CAUTION: Always ensure the
trimmer cord is wound tightly and
evenly around the drum, otherwise
the machine will generate harmful
• Only use the recommended trimmer heads
and trimmer cords. These have been tested
by the manufacturer to suit a particular
engine size. This is especially important
when a fully automatic trimmer head is
used. Only use the recommended cutting
attachment. See Recommended cutting
attachments (Page 10).
Cutting Attachment Maintenance
WA R N I N G : I t i s a b s o l u t e l y
essential to comply with the
angles and dimensions specifi ed
below. If the blade is incorrectly
sharpened there is a risk of
increased kickout of the brush
cutter and increase risk of thrown
object, with resulting risk of injury.
Fa i l u r e t o r e p l a c e o r r e p a i r
damaged cutting attachment can
cause serious injury.
The blades are very sharp, always
wear protective gloves when
performing maintenance to the
General rules
• O n l y u s e c u t t i n g a t t a c h m e n t s w i t h
t h e g u a r d s w e r e c o m m e n d ! S e e
Recommended cutting attachments
(Page 10).
• Keep the teeth of the blade correctly
sharpened! Follow our instructions and
use the recommended file gauge. An
incorrectly sharpened or damaged blade
increases the risk of accidents. (Fig. 11-17)
• Check the cutting attachment for damage
or cracks. A damaged cutting attachment
should always be replaced.
• Resharpen frequently, take away as little
material as possible – two or three strokes
of the fi le are usually enough.
To avoid out-of-balance:
• Resharpen the cutters uniformly – do not
alter the contour of the parent blade in any
• After resharpening about 5 times, have
blade checked by your dealer.