Product Description
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Hardware Reference Manual – IM232/IM485
Detailed Technical
3.3.1 FTDI231X USB to UART Bridge
Single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer
Entire USB protocol handled on the chip. No USB
specific firmware programming required.
Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud.
512 byte receive buffer and 512 byte transmit buffer
utilizing buffer smoothing technology to allow for high
data throughput.
FTDI’s royalty-free Virtual Com Port (VCP) and Direct
D2XX) drivers eliminate the requirement for USB driver
development in most cases.
UART interface support for 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 strop
bits and odd / even / mark / space no parity.
Low operating and USB suspend current; 8 mA (active-
type) and 125 µA (suspend-type).
UHCI/OHCI/EHCI host controller compatible.
USB 2.0 full speed capable.
Extended operating temperature range: -40°C to