Product Description
Copyright © 2018 by E.E.P.D. GmbH All rights reserved
Hardware Reference Manual – IM232/IM485
Initial Operation
Commissioning is easy. As soon as the USB module is
connected to the USB connector of your system for the first
time, your operating system usually automatically searches and
installs the necessary drivers. However, you can also install /
update these from the ‘Drivers’ folder on the supplied driver CD-
For your information, please also read the README file
provided on the CD-ROM.
The wiring and operation of connected systems of external
companies can be found in their documentation.
The dialog with the module takes place by means of simple
commands in ASCII code and can usually be realized from any
application, among others with a terminal program, by
accessing the serial interfaces without special effort. To set up a
virtual serial interface, it may be necessary to install the
appropriate driver for the respective operating system. These
are on the supplied CD-ROM.
Fig. 5: Installation Screen