2. Know Your iCap Access Code:
Your Access Code is what you provide to your captioner so that they can Access your program audio
and provide live captions through iCap.
Your unique Access Code can be found in the shipping documentation provided with your Encoder. It
may also be found by logging into the iCap Admin website at
ONLY “share” your Access Code with your caption service provider in the iCap Admin site. Your access
code may already be shared with them in iCap Admin if you provided the information to EEG as part of
your order. This can be verified in iCap Admin.
3. Coordinate Testing with Your Caption Service Provider
This step requires your caption provider to connect to your encoder from their iCap software. You MUST connect
your audio/video input to the encoder BEFOREHAND.
Once you’ve provided your access code to the captioner and connected your program video/audio to
the encoder you will test your connection to ensure audio is reaching them and caption data is coming
Enter the iCap Admin portal. In the Users tab - confirm audio status for your encoder says “Audio OK”
(see figure 3) - this means your captioner is receiving Audio. If the Status says “No Listeners” it means
that the captioner has not yet connected to your access code and you should verify that they have
done so. The Users tab shows all users connected to your encoder and confirms their status.
Figure 3: iCap Admin Users Tab with Audio Status
(Cont. on next page)
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