HD1492 HD Encoder Frame Card
Channel sets the incoming Line 21 channel to be
turned off. This parameter may be set for any NTSC
Caption or Text channel. Upstream XDS data cannot
be turned off with this command.
Begin PassThru Mode:
<CTRL+A>3 [Field] <ENTER>
End PassThru Mode:
Displayed as PTHRU. When a port enters the command to begin PassThru
for a field, caption data received through that port will replace upstream
caption data for that field. PassThru mode is for use with complete CEA-
608 formatted data streams, including control and formatting codes,
such as would be provided by captioning software packages. If PassThru
is engaged but no valid data is being entered, pairs of null data bytes
(0x80 0x80) will be inserted into output signals. When PassThru mode
is ended, the field will return to upstream Regeneration.
Field specifies which NTSC field the locally entered
caption data is intended for. Field 1 (enter as F1) is
for primary language captioning and text, and Field
2 (F2) is for secondary language captioning and text.
The parameter defaults to Field 1.
Begin RealTime Mode:
<CTRL+A>2 [Channel] [Rollup] [bBase] <EN-
End RealTime Mode:
Displayed as RTCAP. When a port enters the command to begin RealTime
mode, text entered through that port will be encoded into a rollup cap-
tion display and replace upstream caption data for the specified channel.
The HD1492 Encoder will automatically create all necessary control and
formatting codes. When RealTime mode is ended, the channel will re-
turn to upstream Regeneration.
Data entered in RealTime must be in ASCII text format with a carriage
return (0x0D or
) at the end of each line of data. Because a
line of data is processed only upon receipt of a carriage return, text may
be edited by use of a backspace (0x08 or
) at any time
before the carriage return.