The NYHA class by visit is shown in Figure 16. About 89% of subjects were in NYHA I/II at 30 days
and 84% at
1 year as compared to 5% at baseline.
The mean improvement in 6MWD among the Attempted Implant population was 49.8 ± 169.9 meters
from baseline to 30 days and 86.1 ± 142.0 meters from baseline to 1 year.
The mean hospitalization stay among the Attempted Implant population was 7.9 ± 7.0 days, which
included 2.9 ± 5.0 days in the ICU.
The QoL at different time points as measured by the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire
(KCCQ) clinical summary score is shown in Figure 17. The mean KCCQ summary score among the
Attempted Implant population improved from 45.5 ± 21.8 at baseline to 68.0 ± 22.0 at 30 days and
70.4 at 1 year.
Device success was defined as successful vascular access, delivery and deployment and retrieval of
delivery system; correct positioning, intended performance (aortic valve area > 1.2 cm
and mean
aortic valve gradient < 20 mmHg or peak velocity < 3 m/s, without moderate or severe prosthetic
valve aortic regurgitation. It was achieved in 61.5 % of patients. In the vast majority of device failure
subjects, the failure was due to unintended performance of the valve; specifically, mean gradient ≥ 20
mmHg or peak velocity ≥ 3 m/s was observed in 62 cases and moderate/severe aortic regurgitation in
5 cases.