d. Other Results
Procedural Information
Overall, in the SAPIEN XT AT population the mean duration in the catheterization laboratory was
209.0 ± 59.5 min, the mean total procedure time was 102.7 ± 51.4 min, and the mean total
anesthesia time was 207.1 ± 64.7 min. These duration times were slightly shorter in the TF group.
General anesthesia was used in the vast majority of cases; 7.8% of the TF patients had conscious
sedation. Correct positioning of the valve was achieved in 98.5% of the patients. Nineteen patients
(1.7% of TF patients and 2.6% of non-TF patients) were implanted with a second valve. Two
patients (0.5%) experienced valve dislodgement. Three patients (0.3%) experienced annular
In the SAVR AT population, the mean duration in the operating room was 332.3 ± 96.9 min, the
mean total procedure time was 236.8 ± 86.9 min, and the mean anesthesia time was 333.0 ±
108.6 min. General anesthesia was used in all patients. It was difficult to wean 26 patients (2.8%)
from cardiopulmonary bypass, which was terminated in the majority of cases with intra-aortic
balloon pump and/or inotropes.
Valve Performance
The measurements of EOA, mean gradient, peak gradient, total aortic regurgitation (AR), and
aortic paravalvular leak (PVL) are presented in Figures 28-32. The increase in EOA and decrease
in gradient were sustained at 2 years. In the SAPIEN XT arm, the proportion of patients with total
AR ≥ moderate was 11.0% at baseline, 3.8% at 30 days, 4.0% at 1 year, and 9.4% at 2 years,
while in the SAVR arm, the proportion of patients
with total AR ≥ moderate was 12.0% at baseline,
0.7% at 30 days, 0.3% at 1 year, and 0.8% at 2 years. T
he proportion of patients with aortic PVL ≥
moderate was 3.8% at 30 days, 3.4% at 1 year, and 8.0% at 2 years in the SAPIEN XT arm, as
compared to 0.5% at 30 days, 0.3% at 1 year, and 0.6% at 2 years in the SAVR arm
Figure 28:
Effective Orifice Area
(VI Population)