Edu-Logger flow logger sensor
The Edu-Logger flow sensor can be used for any
science experiment or activity which involves a liquid
flow rate such as in the fields of Environmental
Science, Ecology, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, etc.
The sensor comes pre-calibrated so you can start
experimentation right out of the box using this guide.
Hundreds of possible experimental subjects that can
be done with the 900-234 sensors are: stream velocity
and health, turbidity, density verses flow rate, fluid
pressure and flow relationships, and many more.
The flow sensor uses the following units of measure:
Meters per second (m
/s): The SI unit of
liquid flow rate.
Connecting to the flow sensor:
The flow sensor takes flow measurements of liquids
flowing through the flow probe attachment. There are
a few options for connecting the probe attachment to a
water source:
Connect directly to a faucet using the
threaded inlet and outlet pipes.
Use rubber hosing to connect the inlet and
outlet pipes to the sample being tested.