Section 5 (Tx Version Only)
Operation With a Printer or Computer
Connect a printer (set at 1200 Baud) to the meter via the
RS232C port on the back panel.
Follow the calibration procedure given in Section 2 or 3
To print out a sample reading, press the Send key. The first
time the key is pressed the following printout is obtained
DATE ..................... .
OPERATOR .............. .
SAMPLE ................. .
Pressing and releasing the Send key subsequently will result
in a printout of the displayed reading and temperature only.
To obtain a printout of other parameters for the same sam-
ple, press the Mode key and then the Send key
To print a new identifier, press and hold down the Send key.
Connect a computer using 1200 Baud via the RS232C pmt at the
back of the meter. A computer program is required to receive and
send characters from the computer. The
readings can be
sent to the computer by pressing the Send key. Each line is termi
nated with a Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF). All characters
are ASCII printable alpha-numeric
Three commands, CA, PR and RD can he sent from the comput