Version of 26 April 2016
Press the red button to update. A dialog box appears. Upon confirmation, the process begins, going through
various stages:
- Connecting…
- Downloading...
- Deleting…
- Registering...
- Restarting...
Auto update
If you select this menu item, the receiver will try to connect with the factory-configured server of EDISION.
Provided that the cables are properly setup and the values that correspond to your network in the ‘Network
Settings’ menu item are correct, the receiver connects and acquires the list of files from the server. In this
case, the File Name, Date, Time and File Size information is displayed. Select Software file ‘argus_miniip.
abs’ and press the red button. Upon selection, the update process begins, going through several phases:
- Connecting…
- Downloading...
- Deleting…
- Registering
- Restarting...
If you did not initiate the update process, you can exit the menu 'Auto Update' pressing the EXIT button.
Time Setting
GMT User:
Select ‘On’ and
the receiver will automatically
acquire the current time and
date (via satellite signal). If
you select ‘Off’, you can set
your own date and time at the
following item.
GMT customisation:
This item is available only if the
‘GMT User’ item is set to ‘On’.
Here you can determine the
time difference between your
local time and the GMT time
(Greenwich Mean Time). For
Luxembourg the following applies: UTC + 01:00. For Athens/
Bucharest/Istanbul the following applies: UTC + 02:00. Use the left/
right arrow buttons to move to the value that you wish to configure.
Daylight saving time:
Here you can specify whether daylight saving will be taken into
This item is available only if in the ‘GMT User’ item is set to ‘Off’. Enter
the date using the numbered buttons.
This item is available only if in the ‘GMT User’ item is set to ‘Off’. Enter
the time using the numbered buttons.
Exit the ‘Time Setting’ menu pressing the EXIT button.