Action Type3
Action Type4
Specify to redirect to a Port
Specify Priority, the configuration range is 0~7
Specify DSCP Index, edit the sent DSCP according to ACL
DSCP Settings
Specify Bandwidth Index according to the value configured
by ACL Bandwidth Settings to restrict the packets traffic
Copy to CPU
Made a copy and send to CPU
PTP Enable
Specify the time when packets records is enabled
Mirror Enable
Enable Mirror function, then transmit packets to
Destination Port according to the configuration of Basic
Configuration->Port Mirror Function
Sflow Enable
Specify to enable the Sflow function
Insert Ctag
Specify Insert Ctag Index, then insert corresponding Ctag
according to ACL Ctag Settings
Ctag Vlan Enable
Enable the function of selecting ACL VLAN Settings to
transmit packets according Insert Ctag Index
Insert Stag
Specify Insert Stag Index, then insert corresponding Ctag
value according to ACL Stag Settings
Stag Vlan Enable
Enable the function of selecting ACL VLAN Settings to
transmit packets according to Insert Stag Index