Firewall Databases:
IP Group
The IP Group lets you specify IP Addresses (Single or Range) and Subnet Masks and
assign them to a group name for easy use when configuring inbound and out
bound policies for the firewall.
IP Entry Name:
This is the name you assign to the group of IP addresses and subnet
masks. (The IP Entry Name can be up to 19 characters.)
IP addr. 1:
This is the IP address or subnet mask you are specifying when creating a
IP addr.
This field is only active if you select to group a range of IP addresses or
subnet masks, in which case this is the end address of that range whereas the IP
addr 1 is the first address of that range.
This field allows you to specify the address type assigned to the group.
Single IP:
This will let you specify one IP address for a given group.
IP Range:
This will let you specify a range of IP addresses for a given group, starting
with IP addr 1 and ending with IP addr 2.
Subnet Mask:
This will let you specify a range of subnet masks for a given group.