Figure 3
4. It is necessary to tap a small hole into your exhaust manifold to insert the
EGT sensor.
The EGT probe must be mounted before the turbo to
operate properly.
Drill the hole using a 5/ 16 or a 21/64” drill bit, then tap
it with an 1/8” NPT tap
(see tip on figure 5)
. Once the hole is drilled and
tapped, run the motor at idle for 10 to 15 seconds to clear the few remaining
shavings from the manifold. Once the engine has been run, screw in the
brass fitting and insert the EGT sensor by sliding it into the hole
(see figure
and tightening the back end brass fittings.
Figure 4
The Attitude cable
attaches to the Edge
Juice module under
the hood.
This is the EGT
cable that gets
tapped into the
exhaust manifold.
This connection
only exists on older
Juice modules that
were modified to
accept the Attitude.