The Treble control is also a shelving type filter and cuts or boosts the Treble by +/-
15 dB. Above 2 KHz. Flat response is at the 12:00 position.
Semi-Parametric Equalizer (Quazi-Parametric)
A fully Parametric Equalizer has controls for Bandwidth or (Q),
center Frequency, and the level of the boost or cut. These filters can
be very Difficult to set up correctly. It is very Easy to make a
fully Parametric EQ. sound bad. The Quazi-Parametric filter is much
less difficult for the User to adjust. We have Pre-set the Q or and width
to one octave. The Center Frequency is Adjustable from 40 Hz to
10KHz. The level of boost or cut is +/– 15 dB. There is a bypass switch
for the EQ so that it can be used alone, or with the other tone controls.
Quasi-Parametric Tone Controls, How They Work
Quasi-Parametric controls are much like fully parametric tone controls except that
one of the adjustments are fixed and the operator cannot adjust the function. The
filters in the Eden DC-500 are adjustable for level up to +/- 15 dB and for center
frequency (the pitch where the tone change happens). The bandwidth is fixed so
that the filters will interact smoothly and musically. If you put two filters together
they will combine for a total of +/- 20 dB.
Low Frequency Parametric Filter
The Low control will cut or boost frequencies from the deep Bass to the lower
midrange as selected by the frequency tuning control directly above it.
Frequencies available with this control are from 30 Hz. to 300 Hz. The Low
control will cut or boost the selected frequency by up to +/- 15 dB. This control
and all of the other controls produce a flat response when they are set at 12:00
Midrange Parametric Filter
The function of this control is also +/- 15 dB and is similar to the Low control
except that it controls the frequencies from 200 Hz. to 2 KHz. This is the range of
frequencies that the Human Ear is most sensitive to. This control will let you cut
right through the mix if you need to.
High Frequency Parametric Filter