P5TX–Apro User’s Manual
Reference Information – 4.24
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
If your video display card has an MPEG card attached to the
feature connector, the display may invert to black on white while
booting. If this happens, set this line to Enabled to correct the
problem. The default setting is Disabled.
OS Select For DRAM >64MB
If your system has more than 64MB of system memory in-
stalled and you are using the OS/2 operating system, set this to
the OS2 setting. The default setting, Non-OS2, is for all other
operating systems.
Video BIOS Shadow
This copies the video display card BIOS into system DRAM
to increase display speed and is required for system performance.
The default setting is Enabled.
Shadowing Address Ranges
The next six lines, from C8000-CBFFF Shadow to DC000-
DFFFF Shadow are address ranges for shadowing other expan-
sion card ROMs. If there are any expansion cards with ROMs
installed in your system, you have to know the address range
they use to shadow them specifically. The default setting for all
of these is Disabled.
When you are done in this section press the Esc key to return
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