Chapter 3: BIOS Setup Utility
Try Other Boot Device
If you enable this item, the system will also search for other
boot devices if it fails to find an operating system from the
first two locations.
BootUp Num-Lock
This item determines if the Num Lock key is active or
inactive at system start-up time.
Boot to OS/2 > 64MB
Enable this item if you are booting the OS/2 operating system
and you have more than 64MB of system memory installed.
Graphic Win Size
This item defines the size of aperture if you use a graphic
Configure DRAM Timing By SPD
This item allows you to enable or disable the DRAM timing
defined by the Serial Presence Detect electrical.
Hyper-Threading Function
If your P4 CPU is not HT CPU, this item will be hidden. If
your P4 CPU is HT CPU, BIOS will show this item. You can
set “Disabled” or “Enabled” to control HT CPU support in
O.S. Set “Enabled” to test HT CPU function.
Auto detect DIMM/PCI Clock
When this item is enabled, BIOS will disable the clock signal
of free DIMM/PCI slots.
Spread Spectrum
If you enable spread spectrum, it can significantly reduce the
EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) generated by the