Solid Fuel – (Please ensure Multi-Fuel grate is installed before burning smokeless coal)
Solid mineral fuel should be placed in the stove so that there is no more than a 30° incline
of the fuel bed from front to back. It should not be stacked above the level of the rear
firebrick as this may result in damage to the stove.
Always de-ash before refuelling and do not let the ash build up to the underside of the grate
bars. Solid mineral fuel produces ash, which if allowed to build up will stifle the airflow
through the Primary air sliders and grate. This will eventually cause the fire to go out.
With some solid mineral fuels, a residue of burnt fuel or clinker will accumulate on the grate
- allow the fire to go out periodically to remove this.
Important! - We cannot stress firmly enough how important it is to empty the ashpan
regularly. Air passing through the fire bed cools the grate bars. Distortion or burning out the
grate bars is nearly always caused by ash being allowed to build up to the underside of the
grate. Anthracite is an approved natural smokeless fuel (not processed) and therefore can
vary greatly in quality and performance. It generally requires excellent air supply and above
average fire-bed temperatures to maintain maximum performance and with experience we
would suggest that it is used in conjunction with other approved manufactured smokeless
fuels as per the HETAS approved list . Smokeless fuels
The base control lever on the right controls the rate of primary air flowing under the fire.
Having this lever to the left reduces the amount of air and to the right increases the
amount of air drawn into the stove. If you have the woodburning grate installed, we only
suggest having this vent open when first lighting the fire. When the fire is established, we
would suggest closing this off fully as wood burns best with air flowing over the top of it
as opposed to underneath. If you have the Multi-Fuel grate in place this lever will be used
a lot more as mineral fuels like a lot of air flowing under them and very little flowing over
the top of them.
The base control on the left controls the airwash system and secondary burn system.
When pushed to the right, this feeds more air through the stoves rear. The air is fed over
the fire reburning the initial smoke produced from the stove. The air is also warmed and
fed over the glass helping to keep it clean. When pushed to the left this is restricted. When
you have the Woodburning grate installed you will use this lever to control the burn rate
of the fire. If you have the Multi-fuel grate installed, you will have the vent almost closed
and control the burn rate with the primary lever.
It is often a case of trial and error to get the maximum performance from the stove as
every installation and chimney is different.