+ 44 1256 830099
When the stove is new the paint is very tacky where the stove is curing. The door locks very tightly and when opened can pull away the
fire rope from its chamber. If the instructions are followed above this should not happen. However, if it does, the rope will need to be
stuck back in place with “heat resistant fire rope glue” After a few burns the paint will be cured and this should no longer
In some cases, you glass can go black in the first few burns. This happens because the stove is not running hot. When the stove gets up
to temperature this should begin to burn off. If it does not, the glass may need cleaning with a stove glass cleaner or a damp cloth that
has been dipped in the ash.
Under certain abnormal weather conditions, for example down draughts, it may be difficult to get sufficient draw through the
appliance to achieve good combustion. When this happens, the stove should not be used.
WARNING The high temperature paint covering the stove will give off some fumes during the initial few uses of the stove. The
fumes are non-toxic, but some people may find them unpleasant. Ensure the area is well ventilated during this period